Streetlights Like Fireworks

My new novel, Streetlights Like Fireworks, is now out and what a great way to kick things off! Check out this nice first review from book blogger, Bayan Basri: “The pacing was great and the plot was definitely engaging, it keeps pulling at you. Every time I put the...

Jump When Ready Review

This is just such a great review for Jump When Ready on Goodreads. I really loved this one and appreciate the time it took so much. “So, this is well conceived, well crafted, a bit challenging for a YA reader, and very rewarding. What a nice...

Don’t stop

I know this might sound a bit like bragging (I hope not) but someone I haven’t actually met emailed me today to say this: “So far both your stories have caught me right away and I don’t want to put them down until I’m done. And they’re fun to...