
Jump When Ready Boxed Set

I guess it could be argued that putting together a boxed set isn’t much of an achievement. After all, you already wrote the books and all that’s involved is some formatting and bit of legwork on Amazon or whatever platform you choose. So, what is there to be excited about? Well…

It’s only been about a year and a half since I first decided to jump into indie publishing (pun not intended but, okay, I’ll leave it) when I decided to put Jump When Ready out there. I’m sure I won’t be the only one to report that it was a little scary putting that first book out there and waiting to see how it went over. But things went well, as it turned out. Jump When Ready got great reviews from bloggers and customers while selling pretty nicely. Still, all I had was the one book and it seemed like it would be a very long time before I’d see my blog and Amazon author page featuring multiple books, not to mention a boxed set.

The great thing about indie publishing is that there’s nothing to stop you from writing and putting out three more books within a year. I honestly had no idea I could produce that much but somehow I managed to do it (I know there are quite a few out there who produce much more rapidly but, for me, that was a definite achievement). Consequently, I’m feeling quite excited and proud at putting the Jump When Ready Boxed Set out there into the world. It’s one of those author milestones I can now tick off my list, one I didn’t see coming so soon. And, as I mentioned before, there’s another milestone achievement coming along too (one I didn’t even really think about a year ago) with the audio book of Streetlights Like Fireworks coming out next month.


The day started with checking for snow accumulation on the dog.

Onto some totally unrelated stuff here (I hope no one minds) since I can’t help report being in a fantastic mood. I know so many people are utterly beyond sick of winter but, here in Richmond, we’re just now getting our first significant snowfall and resulting snow day tomorrow (schools have already cancelled). We get winter late here, quite often not seeing snow until January or February (occasionally March). So, tonight we have a fire going while we all watch a movie. Tomorrow, I’m sure we’ll break out the sleds. Then, tomorrow afternoon, I’m anticipating enjoying some perfect winter writing weather while I work on the follow-up to Streetlights Like Fireworks. So, who knows? Maybe there’s another boxed set coming along in the future. If so, great. But right now I’m celebrating things as they are at the moment.

Hey, why not celebrate the moment too by grabbing a copy of the Jump When Ready Boxed Set? Great reading for your next snow day!


One of our neighbors did a Christmas reboot because of the snow. You have to take it when you can get it in Richmond.


Snow day! The first time we’ve used our fireplace this winter.